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Using supervision well in adult mental health services

Dr Nick Grey, Gemma Dorer & Lisa West

Thursday 13 November 2025


Supervision is an essential part of learning in healthcare, to develop and maintain competence and support development for practitioners.

The event will be equivalent to 2.3/4 hrs of CPD.


The workshop will distinguish between clinical, professional and managerial supervision, and the needs and functions of each. The main focus of the workshop will be clinical supervision. It will allow participants to reflect on their own experiences as a supervisor and supervisee, and consider how to use supervision most effectively from both perspectives. This includes highlighting the core principles of supervision and how we can meet these in flexibly rather than rigidly. Common difficulties with, and potential solutions for, supervision will be discussed. The need to develop cultural competence in our work and how this is woven in to supervision is considered.

Learning Objectives

• To understand the functions of supervision
• To know what makes clinical supervision more effective
• To leave with a plan for the next steps for your supervision

Training Modalities

Didactic content, Q&A, polls, reflective exercises

Key References

NHS Employers clinical supervision models summary

About the presenter

Nick is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist at Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SPFT)and University of Sussex, and a member of the Wellcome Anxiety Disorders Group at University of Oxford. Nick is a BABCP-accredited practitioner, supervisor and trainer.

Gemma is the Professional Lead Occupational Therapist in West Sussex (SPFT). She has over 25 years’ experience of supervising a range of staff across mental health services and is an accredited ILM coach.

Lisa is Professional Lead Nurse in West Sussex (SPFT). She has 30 years’ experience as a registered mental health nurse. She has extensive experience supervising nursing staff across a wide range of roles.  

Who should attend

This workshop is for practitioners working in secondary care adult mental health services. It will be appropriate for practitioners of all professional backgrounds. It is focused on registered staff but will be relevant still for unregistered staff.

Details coming soon

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