EFT is based on both empathic attunement to affect plus marker guided, process directive intervention. I will discuss the role of emotion in therapeutic change and discuss how not only acceptance of emotion but also change of emotion is important in therapy. I will propose that the best way to change core painful emotions like fear, sadness and shame is with other more adaptive emotions like empowering anger, the sadness of grief and compassion and will discuss transformation by synthesis as a change process in which one emotion changes another emotion as well as how emotional memories can be changed by memory reconsolidation processes. The use of gestalt methods of dialoguing with parts of self and imagined significant others in an empty chair to access and transform emotion will be demonstrated on video tapes.
The event will be equivalent to 2.3/4 hrs of CPD.
Theory of emotion in therapy
Adaptive function of emotion
Emotion schemes
Emotion Assessment
Primary adaptive emotion
Primary maladaptive emotion
Secondary reactive emotion
Instrumental emotionality
Major Emotional Change Processes
Changing emotion with emotion
Corrective emotional experience
Specific Method
Self-criticism and the emotion change process
Learning Objectives
1. Identify different types of emotional expression.
2. Review principles of emotional change and supporting research.
3. Learn about changing memory by memory reconsolidation
4. Learn how to access adaptive emotions to produce change.
5. Learn to identify phases in emotional processing to resolve self-criticism.
Training Modalities
Didactic content, video demonstrations, Q&A.
Key References
Greenberg, L. Rice, L. & Elliott, R. (1993). Facilitating Emotional Change: The Moment-by-Moment Process: New York Guilford Press.
Greenberg, L. (2002). Emotion-focused therapy: Coaching clients to work through feelings. Washington, D.C. American Psychological Association Press. 2nd edition 2015.
Elliott R, Watson J Goldman, R, Greenberg L. (2004) Learning Emotion focused therapy. Washington. D.C. APA.
Greenberg L. (2010) Emotion-focused therapy: Theory and practice Washington, D.C. APA Press 2nd edition 2016.
Greenberg L. (2021). Changing emotion with emotion. A practitioner’s guide Washington. D.C. APA Press
Elliott R., & Greenberg, L. (2021) Emotion-Focused Counselling in Action. London, Sage Publications.
About the presenter
Leslie Greenberg, Ph.D. is Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus of Psychology at York University in Toronto and the primary developer of Emotion-focused therapy. He has received the Distinguished Research Career award of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research as well as the Carl Rogers and the Distinguished Professional Contribution to Applied Research of the American Psychology Association. He also has received the Canadian Psychological Association Professional Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology as a Profession. He is a past President of the Society for Psychotherapy Research.
He is the primary developer of EFT and has authored many books on emotion in psychotherapy including Emotion-focused therapy: Theory and Practice (2015), Emotion-focused Couples Therapy: The Dynamics of Emotion, Love and Power (2008), Case Formulation in Emotion-Focused Therapy (2015), Emotion -Focused Therapy of Generalized Anxiety (2017), and Emotion-focused Therapy of Forgiveness (2019). Most recently he published Changing Emotion with Emotion (2021). He currently trains people internationally in emotion–focused approaches.
Who should attend
All psychological practitioners who are interested in the topic are welcome to attend. The workshop is likely to be of special interest to counsellors.