Find out how to coach a client who is having difficulty with their emotion in a way that reduces their fear. Bring them towards an understanding that the emotion is trying to help, using well-researched strategies. This webinar will have demonstrations and clear steps to follow, to enhance your professional skills in this area.
The event will be equivalent to 2.3/4 hrs of CPD.
We will cover;
1. Emotion regulation theory: Regulating emotion is not the same as reducing emotion, it is how to increase or decrease the intensity of emotion under your conscious control.
2. How to win a client round to practice emotion regulation, most clients would prefer a pill or a distraction, they are not programmed to agree to this work.
3. How to pinpoint the place for your therapeutic focus. Clients can be flooded by their emotional experience – learn the principles of breaking the work down into manageable chunks.
4. What to say, and how to say it, to impart an emotion regulation skill. Much advice to clinicians tells us what NOT to say – learn some powerful phrases and methods that you can weave into your everyday work. See a demonstration of this in practice.
Learning Objectives
1. Delegates will be able to differentiate the most basic emotions by features, functions and action urges.
2. Delegates will understand how to use the signature features of emotion to change their intensity
3. Delegates will be able to use validation strategically
4. Delegates will be able to coach simple steps in emotion regulation and encourage clients to use them.
Training Modalities
Didactics, video, live demonstration, and Q&A.
Key References
Regulating Emotion the DBT way, Dunkley, C., Routledge 2020.
DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets Linehan, M., Guilford Press, 2015
Principles of Skills Assessment in Dialectical Behavior Therapy, M. Swales, C. Dunkley,
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 18-29.
About the presenter
Christine Dunkley DClinP is a psychological therapist and international author, trainer and researcher. She specialises in DBT, Mindfulness, Suicide, and Supervision. She worked in the NHS for 30 years with suicidal self-harming clients, and since 2006 with the British Isles Training Team where she is now a consultant trainer. Her most recognised work is in the regulation of emotion in clients with severe emotional pain.
Who should attend
This is suitable for primary care low and high intensity practitioners, psychologists, nurse therapists, counsellors, and occasionally psychiatrists, occupational therapists, and social workers. Practitioners may work in adult primary or secondary care or with children and young people, or other specialist services such as in-patient or forensic settings.